The City And The Swamp

    Nestled between the mountains and the swamp lies the great necropolis, Evergreen. The city of the dead and the damned. A thousand concrete spires half sunken into the rancid swamp form the city outskirts. Yet even this part of the city is not completely abandoned. Bridges are hung between the towers and at the top floors of a few, lit windows can still be spotted.
   Evergreen began as a hilltop fort nearly 1,000 years ago, and at the spot of that old fort is the mighty High Tower. The city is split into four uneven quarters, the largest of which is the Smoke Quarter, 100 square miles of factories and industrial farms. The cities few privileged  upper classes live in the Gold Quarter, the only place to see green grass and slightly clearer skies for a thousand miles in any direction. Smaller free standing towers of only a few storeys make up the skyline here, and each tower belongs to a particularly wealthy family, those heads of factories and industry, business owners and land overseers.
   The Neon Quarter is the cities most famous district. It is on high ground far from the smell of the swamp, and is kept bright as day throughout the night by the neon store signs. Here is where you can buy anything from drugs and women to food and clothes. The Neon Quarter is most citizens only place to seek entertainment and as such contains many nightclubs and a race track, as well as The Coliseum of Aronith.
   On the banks of the swamp, and snaking deep into the cities bowels lies the Rat Quarter. An endless network of alleyways so tight two men cannot walk abreast. The Rat Quarter is home to the cities most honest and hardworking denizens, but also it's most dangerous.
  Evergreen is a city torn between planes of existence. It is a place of ancient evil and great technology, swallowed whole by a swamp of decay and corruption. The city has a population of around 300,000, however this is a mere fraction of the 3 million that once lived here.
   The city resides as much underground as above it, with hundreds of miles of caves and catacombs below the streets and below that the Deep Labs reside, where all manner of horrors take place in the name of occult science.
   Evergreen rests far inland of the North Eastern Continent, and the closest ocean is known as The Maw, a dark purple and poisonous bay, corrosive to any materiel the water touches, forbidding further exploration. Across The Maw, and a range of mountains known as The Dragon's Teeth, rests the accursed land of the wasps, Elaria.
   Evergreen is a city defined and town apart by it's class system, crime, magic and twisted science. It is ruled from above by the council of five; Arcasan, Narratan, Curos, Planatan, Kechos.

   A time of great trial approaches the dread city, and all we can do is attempt to weather the storm when it hits.


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