The ARK (faqs!)

Who are you?
I am the Curator. I manage The Ark as a whole.

Are all the posts from you?
No, there are at least four of us, although we often share a physical body. Posts on twitter, most blogs here and most of what makes it from us to Youtube comes from The Narrator. Drawings and photographs on tumblr come from The Sketcher, and any hand written notes were made by The Planner. 

There is a fifth... Although even we aren't sure how, or if, He factors into this. Most of what He posts is unrelated to The ARK, Otherworld, or Evergreen, however He definitely has access to our network and we have access to his. So his role is undeniable.

And something else... messages of gibberish, binary, other languages... seemingly coded messages... They seem to be appearing on their own, however they also seem to have some importance here so I will be leaving them up.

What is The ARK?
The ARK is my preservation project and attempt at recording any information I can gather about the "Otherworld" which has been haunting me for the last few years. I'm spreading the information in a few places to keep things somewhat organised and to make it a little harder for Them. As the Otherworld has begun to consume my life, my every darkest dream and waking nightmare, I've lost contact with the rest of the world. In the real world I almost never see another person, and when I do pass someone in the street, or have to interact in someway, people either ignore me or even when they do talk they seem to stare straight through me. Often I'll be certain I'm being watched from the corner of my eye, or I'll catch a passerby twisting or jerking their neck at a completely unnatural angle. I can't trust anyone any more. The internet has even seemingly gone dead and I can't even see anyone elses posts, other than a single Youtube channel that for some reason seems to still exist for me where nothing else does...?

Scott Arc (Youtube)
A youtube channel that usually seems to upload game remixes and other musical content. I am sometimes able to gather the strength to send a signal strong enough that it will surface here, somehow. I don't believe the owner of the channel is aware of me (yet?) but as it stands this may be my best chance at making contact with the outside world.

IMHIHAR1 (Twitter)
Twitter will be used to provide shorter more consistent updates. General dark thoughts from the depths of the abyss may surface here.
In My Heart I Have A Rose (This Blog)
This is the main hub, blog posts here will attempt to cover any recent major developments, as well as summarise recent events, and provide a hub for me to write and organise pages of info explaining what I can.

Creatures of the Otherworld (Tumblr Blog)
The home of my sketches from the Otherworld, and potentially other photographic content. any evidence I can. Be careful on this site, as even my unreliable sketches of the Otherworld and it's denizens contain traces of the evil found there.


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